Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Weekend of Worship and a Good Word

Thursday morning I found out I had strep throat. Yay. This is the second time in the past four months that I've been blessed by the strep bug. I got on antibiotics immediately, so that I could make sure I could enjoy the fun weekend ahead! I still feel blah, but here's the summary of the weekend.

Friday night my mom and I headed to the Steven Curtis Chapman concert.

Here's us excited....and us being cute. :-)

What an amazing man of God Steven Curtis Chapman is!! He spoke so beautifully of his family. Of course, I cried. But that's not exactly a shocker. We had a GREAT time, but I was a little weirded out by how much Steven Curtis Chapman looks like Doogie Howser....

Then Saturday morning I met a couple of girlfriends at church to hear the beautiful Beth Moore teach us about how to kick our insecurities to the curb. As always, Beth presented the Word in such a way that made us laugh and cry all at the same time.

It was a GREAT time of worship and hearing God speak, but we were all emotionally (and probably physically) exhausted by the end of the day!

What a blessed weekend!! Now to get over this sickness...

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