Saturday, October 29, 2011

To Extend or Not To Extend -- That is the Question

Actually, that's not the question.  The question is HOW to extend.

In the next few months I'm turning the big 3-0.  Refer to my last post to understand slightly how I'm feeling about this fact.  I've decided that if I have to leave my 20's, I'm going to do it with extremely good-looking hair.

I have always hated my hair.  I have a lot of it, but it's super fine and goes flat and ugly fast.  Because of that, I've had to keep my hair relatively short.  So, naturally, I've always been a little envious of my girlfriends who have long, flowing, beautiful hair.  I'm sure you can see why!!

Oh, beautiful hair!
More beautiful hair! 
I think this is the longest my hair has EVER been.

So, for my thirtieth (wow....that is hard to type!!) I'm thinking about asking for hair extensions.  The hard part of this decision is how to extend.  Braided?  Fusion?  Synthetic?  It seems like the options are endless.  I need some guidance.  I want them to look natural, but don't want to spend an arm and a leg in the process.  I've heard from some people that it can damage your hair??   HELP!!  Any experiences, suggestions, recommendations in the world of hair extensions are very much appreciated!!!

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