Thursday, July 8, 2010

London Day 4

Day 4 in London began by heading back across the river to the London Eye.  I am NOT a fan of heights, but I managed to be okay long enough to enjoy the magnificent view!


 After the London Eye, we headed back to Westminster Abby to take the tour.  They wouldn't let us take pictures inside, but here's an imagine from google to show at least a snipit of what the inside of this glorious church looked like.  This is a picture of where we had church service the day before.

 Once inside, we took the self-guided audio tour and learned tons about the church and its history.  My favorite part was to see that Georg Friedrich Handel himself was buried at Westminster!!  OH MY GOODNESS!!!  They had an entire section of the church as a memorial to him!  My music teacher self LOVED it!!  I so wish I could have taken a picture! 

This is the outside of Westminster.

 The only picture we were able to take inside the church was really outside in front of some gardens.  Pretty!

After Westminster we headed down the street to Parliament.  We had to wait in line for a while, but we were able to get into the viewing section of Parliament and actually SEE and HEAR the parties of Parliament debate!!  And, lucky us, the Prime Minister was there and we were able to hear him address Parliament, too!!  WOW!!  Again, no pictures were allowed inside.  Bummer.  But we took a few from the outside.

We were at Parliament for a decent amount of time and when we left, we experienced our first and last sprinkle of London rain.  We were VERY blessed with the weather our entire trip!!  We then headed to dinner and afterwards out to meet some of my dad's business clients.  All in all.....a great day!!

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