Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thank God for Thanksgiving Break!

Seriously.  Thank you Jesus for that break!!  I spent the majority of my break cleaning, shopping, eating and generally getting my life back under control (although I'm confident I'd need an entire month to really get it under control).  I met with my pastor before Thanksgiving break to talk with him about a couple of things - one being how to give my all to my job and still develop my relationship with Christ.  While he empathized with my situation (torn between my two passions - Jesus and teaching - and trying to give each 110%), he said something that I knew but that has echoed in my mind for over a week now.

"You cannot put Jesus on the altar of sacrifice."

Even if it's for something as honorable as a child's education.  Jesus cannot go on the altar of sacrifice - and that's where I've been placing Him.  I still am completely unsure as to how I'm going to manage to be the teacher I want to be and nurture my relationship with Christ.  But I cannot put Him on the altar of sacrifice any more.  It follows, then, that my job will have to be sacrificed at some point for Jesus - and I need to get okay with that.  

Having said all that -- here are a few snippits from my five-day break!

These are the latest cupcakes to join my Cupcake Creations Facebook album.  Lesson learned here - never make outlandish cupcakes without first doing a trial run.  I regretted that big time.

Post-Thanksgiving football watching.

While I refuse to be a crazy Black Friday shopper, I did get to hang out with one of my best friends (Allison) and her beautiful babies!  

I want a couple of those for my own!!  

After a truly blessed break, I'm heading back into the routine of work.  
How horrible is it that I'm starting the count down to Christmas break????


  1. What if teaching is your way of getting closer to Jesus? You were given a gift for a reason embrace it and love yourself, that is what God intended. I think...

  2. So glad to hear you had a great Thanksgiving break! I am counting down the days to Christmas break as well... Just 14 school days left!

  3. Allison, a relationship with Jesus is just like a relationship with a friend or family member -- if work prevents me from spending time with a friend or family member, I can't nurture that relationship and grow closer with them. It's the same with Christ. He's given me a gift in teaching, but He has no intended that gift to trump spending time with Him.
