Thursday, March 17, 2011

WANTED: Prayer Warriors

I’m learning new things about China every day.  For example, I had no idea that Chinese toddlers don’t wear diapers. Nope.  No diapers.  But they do wear pants that are split in the rear so they can squat and they pee in the streets!  Talk about a culture shock! 

Not quite as big of a shocker as the diaper-less toddlers, but I also was not aware that I would have to apply for a visa in order to go to China AND get visa photos taken.  I booked my seats for the flight to Beijing in the middle of visa application stuff and couldn’t help but wonder “WHOSE LIFE HAVE I STEPPED INTO?!  This sure isn’t the life I’m used to living!”

I have to tell you that I have been absolutely overwhelmed by the generosity of my friends and family.  I sent out a batch of support letters (knowing absolutely nothing about raising money for a trip like this!), and have been completely bowled over by the response!  The first day of receiving support in the mail, I literally sat in my living room and wept.  God is SOO good!  When I was initially deciding whether or not to go on this trip, I wanted a sign from God - a billboard, really – to tell me whether or not I should go.  Instead, He was asking me to step out in faith.  I was trusting Him to close the door if China was not in my future.  Instead, I found myself weeping tears of pure joy.  He was telling me to keep walking.

So as I continue this China journey (one I still can’t believe I’m on!), I am completely at peace with the money aspect of this trip.  Mind you, I’m just a little over ¼ of the way to what I need financially.  But I know He’ll provide.  What I am more concerned with right now is building up a network of prayer warriors who will pray over me in preparation of the trip and lift me up while I am traveling and teaching overseas.  I am absolutely convinced that I was made for such a time as this.  BIG things are going to happen this summer.  I’m nervous and excited and anxious and unsure and joyful all at the same time.  I want to make sure that I am doing the necessary prep work so that God can use me to the fullest extent while I’m there.  I believe whole heartedly that a big part of that preparedness lies within prayer. 

Will you pray with me?  Will you pray for me?  Will you be part of this amazing work that God is going to do this summer?  I need serious prayer warriors more than I need finances. 

I know this is a serious post, but I couldn't help but use this picture!  It's a recruitment poster I used at school for my choir kids, but I WANT YOU to join my prayer team, too!

If you’re willing to join my team this summer with your prayers, I would love for you to send me your name and mailing address.  My friend Courtney is in charge of the prayer team and she’s ready to start prayin’!

Father, thank you.  Thank you for the chance to be used by You.  Thank you for the love and support of my friends and family (real life and blog world!).